
AuxDefense 2020 Innovation Prize

Development of value added, functional, cost-effective and innovative products is one the key strategies to increase the competitiveness of industrial sectors dealing with defense sector. Looking at this important objective, this event is included in the AuxDefense 2020 program, to award the best innovative products in the defense field. The innovative product applications will be displayed during the conference in a special show-room prepared for this purpose and evaluated by a selected jury, in terms of innovation, design and functionality. The contest intends to be a showcase of the latest innovations in the field of defense, both for the scientific and industrial communities.

No registration fees, regarding the participation at AuxDefense 2020 Innovation Prize, are required for applicants and conference registration is not mandatory. However, the participants are not allowed to assist to AuxDefense 2020 conference sessions.

The Application Form, Conditions of Entry and Jury can be found bellow. Please send your application to

The deadline for submission is May 31, 2020.

Application FormConditions of entry

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