Patricia Verleysen
Ghent University, Belgium
Histrate: A Route To Certification-By-Analysis For Impact-Loaded Aeronautical Composite Structures
The HISTRATE project, initiated in 2022 as part of the EU Cost Action program, addresses certification challenges in the aeronautical industry by advancing certification-by-analysis for composite load-bearing structures under high-rate loading. Seeking a paradigm shift, HISTRATE aims to replace conventional validation approaches with simulation-based methodologies, minimizing the need for complex testing. Leveraging a diverse network of academic and industrial experts, the project emphasizes collaborative knowledge exchange. By integrating insights across length scales from material constituents to composite components, HISTRATE aspires to revolutionize the development of ultra-high-performance, safe, and innovative advanced composites for real-world applications facing high strain rate loading.
Patricia Verleysen is a full professor at Ghent University (Belgium) in the Materials Science and Technology (MST) research group. Within MST, Patricia Verleysen established DyMaLab to group the activities on the impact-dynamic behavior of materials and structures (see: https://mst.ugent.be/dymalab/research/). A key expertise of the DyMaLab group is the development of dedicated experimental methodologies to identify the strain rate-dependent properties of materials. Patricia Verleysen is also involved in modeling activities, again with a strong focus on strain rate and temperature-dependent deformation and damage of materials. Research results are published in more than 130 peer-reviewed papers and 180+ conference proceedings. Patricia Verleysen has supervised 20 PhDs.
Next to research, Patricia Verleysen is teaching courses on fundamental Materials Science (since 2002) for engineering architects and commercial engineers, on Mechanics of Structures (since 2005), and on Mechanical Material Modeling (since 2008) for mechanical engineering students.
Patricia Verleysen is a reviewer of projects at the national and international levels for, among others, South-Africian, Dutch, French, Swiss, Italian, and Portuguese national funding agencies, EU-ERC, EU-RFCS, EU- Marie Curie, EU Joint Research Centre in Ispra, …. Since 2017, Patricia Verleysen is elected board member of DYMAT (the European association for the promotion of research into the dynamic behavior of materials and its applications), chair of the EURASEM Technical Committee ‘Strain rate dependent behavior and dynamics’, member of the advisory commission of CASA (NTNU), etc. Since 2022, she has been Chair of the EU COST Action HISTRATE.